
My kindle library
My kindle library

my kindle library

By default, the Kindle will display all your books-both those on the device and the ones in the cloud. To get started, tap Your Library from the Kindle home screen to get to your books. Long-tapping on a book opens options to delete it or add it to a Collection. This is also a good time to get rid of any book samples cluttering up your library. It makes sense, then, to start your organization efforts by removing any books you’ve already read, as well as those you don’t plan to read anytime soon. The beauty of the Kindle, though, is that purchased books deleted from the device aren’t truly gone-they’re still available in your Kindle account to be downloaded again whenever you get the urge to reread them. Sure, the thought of getting rid of books sickens most bibliophiles. Other markets have to jump trough some hoops.The first step to organizing a big library is to trim it down. It is also really easy to borrow books from the public library and send them to the Kindle, this process is automatic in the US from Overdrive enabled libraries. This includes Kindle Unlimited, Prime Reading, Scribd and a number of others.

my kindle library

This is because there has been a rise in ebook subscription services, where you can pay a low monthly fee and get access to a copious amount of titles. There used to be a bunch of lending sites, where users would list the books they had and loan them out, but this sort of thing disappeared a number of years ago. There are a few steps you have to take to loan out a book to a friend, but once you have this down, it is really easy to share books with your network of friends. As an example, it will be something like Once you know their Kindle email address, you can loan out a book to them, providing lending is enabled. Click on Devices, and there will be a picture of a Kindle it will say something like “1 Device,” click on that and it will list the user associated with the Kindle with a blue hyperlink, click on that link and it will list the Kindle email address. Most people do not know their Kindle email address, but you can find it by logging into an Amazon account, clicking on Manage your Content and Devices. Click the ‘More actions’ button next to the book, and if it’s eligible, click ‘Loan this title.’ You need the users email address for the loan, this is not simply a Gmail or Yahoo address, but the Kindle email address associated with their account. Click ‘Books’ and find the book you want to lend. There are a few steps you have to take to get started with the lending process, head to the Amazon website on your computer, make sure you’re logged in, move your mouse over the ‘Account & Lists’ button at the top right of the screen, and click ‘Content & Devices’ from the pop-up menu. Once the loan period has expired, the book will reappear in your library. You can lend it out for a period of 14 days and it will disappear from your library once the user has accepted the loan. This is useful if you have just read an amazing book and want to share it. Not all books have lending enabled, but their are millions of titles that have it available. Amazon Kindle has always had a very unrated feature that lets you lend a Kindle book to a friend.

My kindle library